A message from JCMS Principal Beard:
Dear Wildcat Families,
On September 20, your child will be given their Yondr Pouch for the 2024-25 school year in social studies class. Your child will be required to keep their cell phone, smart watch, and bluetooth earbuds in this pouch. The pouch is designed to allow students to keep their devices with them, but not access them during the school day. We are hopeful this will allow students to be more focused and engaged in their learning. All pouches will be unlocked to allow access to devices as students are dismissed from school.
Please keep in mind that students should not put electronics in the pouch and lock them while at home. The school will only be available until 4pm each day to unlock devices. Students are required to bring the pouch to school each day if they are going to carry personal electronic devices. If they forget their pouch, the devices will be locked in the Main Office.
We encourage you to communicate with your child with their school email address. Students will have the opportunity to look at their school email every day during 9th period to receive messages from you. You are also welcome to call the JCMS Main Office with messages for your child at (607) 930-1012.
The following documents are available regarding the new cell phone management plan:
Cell Phone Management Plan Google Slides Presentation
Cell Phone Questions and Answers
Cell Phone Management Plan Progressive Discipline
Please reach out if you have any questions.
Julie Beard
Middle School Principal