Instructional Position

*Includes Teachers, Teaching Assistants, School Psychologists, School Social Workers, and Guidance Counselors.

Thank you for your interest in the Johnson City Central School District. Our district is committed to educational excellence for a changing tomorrow.

  • Due to the volume of applications we receive, it is not possible to keep applicants informed of the status of applications.
  • All applications must be complete and accompanied by the necessary materials to make your file complete, as listed below.
  • Applications will remain in our active files for approximately two years. You may reapply or bring in updated materials.
  • Please notify our office if you are no longer available for employment.
  • Please continue to check our web site for available positions as they are posted, and send us a letter of interest if you see a position for which you wish to be considered, noting that your application is on file.
  • If you would like to be on our daily substitute list, please click here for additional requirements and information.

Please submit the following to the address listed below:


A letter of interest, listing the position(s) for which you are applying, if advertised; or if a general letter, list grade level and subject/ certificate area of interest. Though your records will be on file, you must submit a letter of interest for each position for which you wish to be considered now and in the future.


Completed instructional application [see links below], with addendum if needed. You may save the fillable application and fill it out via your computer. Please then print, sign, and get the application to our office. A print-and-write-on application is also provided if preferred. Be sure all sections are completed as requested and the application is signed and dated.


Educational Philosophy. Using a separate sheet of paper, attach a statement of your educational philosophy, and consider the following questions:

a) Why do you want to teach?

b) How important is success in learning and how would you help students experience success?

c) What role does testing, feedback, reporting, and grading play in the learning experience?

d) How would you like your students to view you?

e) What new ideas would you like to initiate in your classroom?

f) What contributions do you think you can make to the Johnson City Central School District?


Resume - Please include:

a) Educational Preparation

b) Status of New York State Certification

c) Previous teaching and non-teaching work experience to include dates, job titles and responsibilities

d) Additional skills and training

e) Academic honors


Copy of, or official, college transcripts listing degree confirmation. Official transcripts will be required should a position be offered but a copy is acceptable for now. If transcripts are enclosed with sealed credentials, they will be considered official.


College credentials file, or three professional letters of recommendation. Unsigned letters will not be accepted, with the exception of Interfolio - these transcripts and files are acceptable.


All teaching staff must be highly qualified and possess New York State Certification in the subject area of the position for which they are being interviewed.
All Teaching Assistants must be licensed through New York State Education Department, or eligible to be so.


Background Clearance through New York State Education Department

All staff hired by our district must be fingerprinted and clearance received from the State Education Department prior to being hired.

Send all material to:

Eric Race, Superintendent of Schools
Johnson City Central School District
666 Reynolds Road
Johnson City, NY 13790

If you have any questions, please contact (607) 930-1110

Applications (REQUIRED):

Instructional Application, Fillable

Instructional Application, Print and Fill In

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